Indiana Astronomical Society
Join the IAS!!
IAS membership dues are $32.50 per year, payable by PayPal, any major credit card, or personal check.
- Pay online: Scroll down and enter your membership information for our records. Once you click the "Submit and Continue" button, we will collect your payment.
- Snail-Mail option: Download our membership application (PDF fill-in form). Fill it out, print it, and mail to us with your personal check per the instructions in the document.
- ASTRONOMICAL LEAGUE - League membership through the IAS is included (compare to $40 for an "at large" membership). Your first issue of The Reflector, being a quarterly publication, could take a few months to arrive.
Why join the Astronomical League? - NEW MEMBERS are initially added to, and are encouraged to participate in, the IAS-Indy Collaboration Site at groups.io to receive late-breaking updates on upcoming IAS functions and general astronomy.
- STUDENT MEMBERSHIPS ($10) are intended for those of high school age and older, until the age of 23, who want voting privileges, etc. Minor children are very welcome at IAS events and buying them a separate membership is generally unnecessary. Note that student membership does not include spouses.
- SPOUSES of regular members are also members, including voting privileges, ability to hold office, etc. Please do not send a separate payment for your spouse.